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Unable to Access Wallet or Balance Not Displayed. Solution: Check Internet Connection:Ensure your device has a stable internet connection.

Trust Wallet, a mobile cryptocurrency wallet designed to provide a secure and decentralized way to manage digital assets, has gained popularity for its user-friendly interface and robust features. However, like any software, users may encounter issues or challenges from time to time. In this guide, we will explore some common Trust Wallet issues and possible solutions.

1. Connection Issues:

  • Problem: Users may face difficulties connecting their Trust Wallet to the internet or accessing blockchain networks.

  • Solution:

    • Ensure you have a stable internet connection.

    • Check for any ongoing maintenance or issues with the blockchain network you are trying to access.

    • If using a mobile data connection, consider switching to Wi-Fi or vice versa.

    • Update the Trust Wallet app to the latest version from the official app store.

2. Balance Display Issues:

  • Problem: Users might experience discrepancies in the displayed balance compared to their actual holdings.

  • Solution:

    • Verify that the wallet address displayed in the app is correct.

    • Ensure your wallet is fully synced with the blockchain.

    • Check for any ongoing network delays or congestion that might affect balance updates.

    • Refresh the wallet or log out and log back in to trigger a balance update.

3. Transaction Failures:

  • Problem: Users may encounter issues when trying to send or receive funds, such as failed transactions or delays.

  • Solution:

    • Double-check the recipient's address to ensure accuracy.

    • Confirm that you have enough funds to cover transaction fees.

    • Adjust gas fees if supported by the blockchain to expedite or reduce fees.

    • If the issue persists, contact Trust Wallet support for assistance.

4. Token Not Displayed:

  • Problem: Some users may find that certain tokens are not visible in their Trust Wallet.

  • Solution:

    • Manually add the missing token by selecting "Add Custom Token" in the app.

    • Verify that the token is supported by Trust Wallet; otherwise, it won't be visible.

    • Check if the token contract address is correct.

    • Update the Trust Wallet app to ensure compatibility with newly added tokens.

5. App Crashes or Freezes:

  • Problem: The Trust Wallet app might crash or freeze, causing inconvenience to users.

  • Solution:

    • Close and reopen the app.

    • Check for app updates and ensure you are using the latest version.

    • Clear the app cache or reinstall the app.

    • If the issue persists, consider contacting Trust Wallet support or checking community forums for potential solutions.

6. Lost Recovery Phrase:

  • Problem: Users may misplace or forget their recovery phrase, which is crucial for restoring access to the wallet.

  • Solution:

    • Store the recovery phrase in a secure and accessible location.

    • Never share the recovery phrase with anyone.

    • Consider using a hardware wallet for an additional layer of security.

    • If the recovery phrase is lost, reach out to Trust Wallet support for guidance.

7. Security Concerns:

  • Problem: Users may have concerns about the overall security of their Trust Wallet.

  • Solution:

    • Enable security features such as biometric authentication if supported.

    • Regularly update the Trust Wallet app to benefit from security patches.

    • Avoid jailbreaking or rooting your mobile device, as it can compromise security.

    • Stay informed about common phishing scams and exercise caution when clicking on links.

8. Unsupported Tokens:

  • Problem: Users may try to add tokens that are not supported by Trust Wallet.

  • Solution:

    • Check the Trust Wallet website or official documentation for a list of supported tokens.

    • Ensure that you are using the latest version of Trust Wallet.

    • If a token is not supported, consider using a compatible wallet or checking for updates that may include additional token support.


Trust Wallet, like any cryptocurrency wallet, strives to provide a secure and user-friendly experience. Users encountering issues should first check for updates, ensure a stable internet connection, and follow best practices for security. If problems persist, reaching out to Trust Wallet support or consulting community forums for guidance can often lead to timely solutions. Staying informed about updates, security practices, and potential issues will contribute to a smoother experience when using Trust Wallet to manage your digital assets.

Last updated